Dalaran Arena

There may be several ways to get inside Dalaran arena. This is my favorite because you can use it to get pretty much anywhere in the floating rock that is Dalaran. You will again need an [Underbelly Elixir].

Go to the east end of the north hallway in Dalaran sewers. Match your mini map to the one in this first image if it is unclear which end of the hallway to be on. Your goal is to reach the water in the pit below you, but there is an invisible wall! The good news is there is a hole in the invisible wall. The red triangle in this image represent the invisible hole you want to pass through. Once you pass through it, fly left and downward until you reach the water pit below. From this pit, you can reach many places in Dalaran including the arena and the giant alligator.

This next image is taken from the west corner of this water pit. Moving your camera around will show different parts of Dalaran. Match your character to the one in this image. Fly up and over the wall texture, and then downward. Two things you need to watch out for as you make your way to the arena. First is that you don't fly forward and into the main room of Dalaran sewers. The second is the 'no fly zone' debuff that may get applied to you soon after leaving the water pit. While flying downward, you may encounter an invisible wall, just strafe your character a little to the right and continue straight down.

If you do it right, you will end up in Dalaran Arena, with a front row seat to the NPC battles that take place.

Edit: As of 3.3.0a, they removed rats that used to spawn down here... odd.
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