Dalaran - No Fly Zone (3.1 outdated)

Outdated: see newer tutorial

As many people know, Dalaran is a no fly zone. Many people also knew how to fly above the North Bank pre Patch 3.1. In this post I plan to describe everything I have accumulated over the past 6 months about the 'no fly zone' mechanics in Dalaran.

The first thing to note is the debuff that causes you to dismount. There is one way to get rid of this thing without getting dismounted, and that is to travel to 'Krasus Landing'. The area that will remove the debuff is outlined in red in the first image. The second type of area in the image is the blue sections. These areas will not give you the debuff if you are inside them. If you enter them with the debuff, you will be dismounted.

There are 3 main areas to mount up.
1) The balcony of The Violet Citadel (take portal to top)
2) Krasus Landing (including doorway of building leading to the landing)
3) Outer half of any wall surrounding the city

In the above image I am on the wall behind the trade area. The green area represents valid areas to mount up (but will debuff you if you stay there), the red is an area you can't mount up and will debuff you if it detects you, and the blue area is a safe zone where if you make it in without the debuff, you are safe.

The key to entering these safe zones in Dalaran is to spend the least amount of time possible in the non safe zones, and to limit the amount of turning you do while passing through them. Flying in a straight line is always preferred. When you change directions or stop, the server takes the time to check if you are in an invalid location.

When mounting on the wall, you want to fly up and over the invalid half of the wall very quickly. This can even mean jumping into flight before the cast bar is finished, anticipating the server lag. If you are unable to pull this off, the balcony location puts you in a safe zone already, but this skill is useful to have for traveling to isolated 'safe zones'.

Above are two locations that are semi-difficult to reach. The technique to reach them involves flying in a straight line and being lucky. For both destinations, I find it easiest to fly high in the air above buildings and use the minimap to know when you reach your destination. If you get the debuff, head back to the landing, or find the nearest wall and try again.

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