Dalaran Bank Tellers

The Dalaran bank tellers are isolated from players much like the Orgrimmar auction house, but that never stopped any one from visiting them, right? I have only found a way to get to the ones in the north bank in Dalaran (for some reason the south bank isn't a clone of the north one).

You will need a flying mount, or [Underbelly Elixir]. The elixirs make this much easier. If you are using the Elixir, drink and cancel the buffs until you are turned into a pink wasp. Do this while already in the north bank and you won't get a 'no fly zone' debuff.

The entry point is the red triangle in the picture, above any of the booths. If you are a wasp, approach from the top and fly downward through the red triangle. If you are on a flying mount, fly above the triangle and wait for it to dismount you. After it does, hold forward as you fall. If done right, you should end up inside the booth. From here, you can choose to stay in the booth, of pass through the back wall and into the gold holding cage.

The result.
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